It's time to engage in Guerrilla Love.
This is not a guerrilla war. The goal is different, but the tactics are the same. Here are the techniques we will use in our fight for guerilla love:
Memorials - We will honor those who have come before us with plaques. Not bronze, necessarily, but cardboard or paper - what ever you have handy. Wherever someone has committed an act of senseless beauty or random kindness, return to that spot with your 'plaque' and memorialize the act: "October 16, 2009 - On this spot, a young college student gave up his parking place for an elderly couple." "This is where a stranger came to prepay his neighbor's groceries."
Drive-bys - We will commit drive-by acts of guerrilla love. Small moments, like a wave or a smile, yes. But we will also commit bigger, much more powerful acts, such as stopping to wish an old lady a nice day, or stopping to put flowers on a doorstep. We will be a gang of love.
IEDs - Improvised Expressions (of Love) Devices - We will create devices that will detonate love and kindness all over those who encounter them: boxes of small gifts, remote-control perfume-release contraptions, surprise expressions of love for random strangers.
Honor the Foot Soldiers - We will honor those foot soldiers in our guerrilla love struggle by honoring them: the hairdresser who knows and loves all of her customers, the policeman who lets the driver go with a warning, the minister who refuses to preach a gospel of hate, the teacher who stays late to help one child with math. These are the true heroes in our struggle for love.
Fight the System - We will copyright the phrase "Guerrilla Love", expressly for the sole purpose of not enforcing the copyright, specifically so no one else will ever profit from our guerilla love.
These are our tactics, this is our credo. We will fight for love and beauty and justice and truth everywhere. Will you join me in my guerrilla love?